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Meditation is a technique that can bring your body and mind to a state of deep relaxation known as relaxation response.

In this relaxed state, your breath deepen, heart rate slows down, blood pressure is lowered and muscles become less tense.

The relaxation response also helps to improve concentration, relieve aches and pains, and enhance the immune system.

However, it takes regular practice of at least 10 to 20 minutes every day in order to reap the benefits.

There are numerous meditation techniques for cultivating mindfulness. The best way to sustain a relaxation practice is to incorporate it into your daily routine. Schedule a fixed time to meditate in a quiet place, where you are less likely to be distracted or interrupted. Choose a comfortable sitting position, either in a chair or on the floor. You can try sitting a cross-legged or in lotus position

A simple meditation technique is to focus on your own breath, without engaging any thought about it. The aim is to clear your mind of 'clutter'


Ananda Marga Yoga Academy
Yoga Teacher Training
Diploma & Certificate Courses


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