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Tummy Tuck

KK Woman Hospital

Tummy Tuck
Aesthetics Department
Doctor make a cut hip to hip & dispose fats
-There will be a line on stomach but fade years later.
-$12k include
-2 days stay
-surgeon exclude consultation, dressing, wound care


Novena Medical Centre
ClearSK Freeze away fats

Free consultation
1st trial $98 depending on how much fat
Cheapest package is $98x24= $2352

Sat 10-6pm
Tel 61006868

Novena medical centre , #11-02


Vaser Liposelection

Consultation $85.60
Upper tummy $2500
Lower tummy $2500
Upper & lower $3800
Include blood test
post-ops reviews on next day
1 wk later, 1 Mth later & 3 mths later.
Sat 9am-1pm
3 hrs operation then rest 2 hrs then can go home

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